• Product
  • International & Landline Number Clean-up

Contact Removal
and Cleanup

Unsubscribe Contacts

Remove contacts from your distribution lists:

  • Automated Opt-Out LogicAutomatically remove contacts when they text "STOP", click an unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email, or call to request an unsubscribe from receiving further messages.
  • Import FileImport a CSV file with the numbers you want to remove, and our system will automatically delete them from your database. This feature costs fractional messaging credits.
  • Manual RemovalWe also provide the option to manually remove contacts.

Database Cleanup

Our platform comes with easy-to-use tools to help keep your database clean. These features cost fractional messaging credits.

  • International CleanupScan your database to remove international numbers.
  • Failed Contact CleanupYou can choose to have contacts removed when message delivery fails to that number. You can even set the number of delivery attempts before you remove that contact.
  • Number CleanupRemove phone numbers (such as wired lines or VOIP numbers) from your database that cannot receive text messages.