How To Send a Mass Text Message
Mass text messages need to be sent through an SMS service provider like Trumpia. SMS service providers are both cheaper and more effective than other forms of mass marketing, like email or radio ads. They are easy to use and more cost-effective per message than any other messaging channel. With a full-service provider like Trumpia, we simplify the entire process, turning it into a hassle-free texting experience.
Create a Way to Sign Up
The first step in getting started with mass texting is to create a way for customers to opt in to receive your messages. There are 3 ways to do this.
Mobile keywords allow customers to opt themselves into your messaging campaigns by texting the keyword to your shortcode. Mobile keywords are great because they can go on your existing advertisements and give customers an easy way to sign up.
Online signup pages allow customers to opt in by filling out a form on your website, giving you consent to message them as well as their contact information.
Provided you have express written consent from your customers that they want to receive messages from you, you can import their contact information into your SMS software so that you can message them.
Send A Mass Message
To send a message, you simply have to log in to your account and compose a message. You can do things like schedule the message to be sent at a later date, target your message to a specific subset of contacts, or attach links for your customers to follow. Once you've sent your message, your service provider should be able to provide you with statistics so you can check how your messaging campaigns are doing.