Two Way Texting for Critical Alerts

The Communication Channel With A Proven 98% Open Rate

Why Use Two-Way Texting for Critical Alerts

Texting can be used for critical alerts because text messages have a read rate of 98%, and Two-way texting can help ensure you reach the largest audience possible.

Two-way text messaging is a way for industries or departments like Critical Alerts to carry out conversations with their customers, all without having to expose their personal number. One-way interactions are a surefire way to lead to more customers feeling uncared for and opting out of your messaging lists. Two-Way SMS messaging takes customer feedback and involvement to a whole new level. Instead of keeping a company or organization at a distance, two-way SMS encourages interaction, automated or otherwise. Being able to communicate with customers means companies or departments like Critical Alerts can gain invaluable insight into how their customers shop or use their services, how they make decisions, and how processes can be improved. Two-way SMS chats can be automated, semi-automated, or completely interactive depending on the company’s preferences and time constraints. Only Trumpia can carry out two-way text conversations with contacts that branch intelligently based on their answers in order to provide a personalized customer experience automatically.

Overview of Two-Way Texting for Critical Alerts

Texting can help you cast the widest possible net with your critical alerts, and Two-way texting can make sure your contacts get messages no matter where they are.

So how can industries or departments like Critical Alerts implement two-way texting? First, you need to sign up for a text messaging service like Trumpia, then you need to build out your contact list. You can sign contacts up via SMS keywords or import existing contacts (as long as you have their express written consent) to your messaging lists. Almost every type of organization or department (like Critical Alerts) can benefit from having a two-way texting solution, whether it’s for taking customer orders, answering customer questions, or responding to business inquiries. If you choose Trumpia, we can automate two-way conversations for you, allowing you to automatically answer frequently asked questions or directing customers to the correct employee or department automatically. Customer satisfaction, customer engagement, and a company’s reputation have the potential to skyrocket with a successful implementation of two-way texting. Trumpia’s automation is unmatched, allowing your organization to better meet the needs of your contacts and improve the speed of customer service.