• Product
  • Why Trumpia

Why Trumpia?

Trumpia was built on 15+ years of experience in SMS marketing. Our texting solution has all of the features you would expect, including mass messaging, mobile keywords, two-way messaging, and even email. Our software is uniquely positioned to both meet your initial needs and offer a pathway to grow with more advanced capabilities that you’ll need soon after you master mass messaging. That’s because we know that the best way to get a return on your messaging is to create personalized journeys to boost revenue, customer satisfaction, retention, and day-to-day operations, all automatically.

What Sets Trumpia Apart

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Build Customized Workflows:
No Programmer Needed

Image of a businessman working on a laptop

Workbench is an automated workflow builder that allows you to customize text messaging campaigns through an easy-to-use UI -- just drag and drop. There’s no coding needed, and you can build either from scratch or modify our proven workflow templates. Trumpia’s workflows dynamically interact and branch based on subscriber behavior and characteristics.

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Personalized Customer Journeys

Illustration of a man planting a flag

A customer journey is a series of touchpoints that help you build relationships with your customers or employees. This includes automating signups, conversations, offers, customer service, and reputation management. Trumpia’s differentiation is that we automate & personalize all of these steps for your customers, leading to higher satisfaction and retention.

Illustration of a man planting a flag

Pre-built Applets

Illustration of a man planting a flag

Trumpia has 50+ pre-built applets that have been proven by our customers to effectively meet their business objectives. You simply need to load up our applet, change a few variables to suit your needs, and activate it — no programming required.

Illustration of multi-channel messaging

Target Your Messages

Illustration of multi-channel messaging

Blanket-bombing messages is a surefire way to lose subscribers. Trumpia automates the processes of learning about subscribers like their interests and preferences, storing that data, and then using it to tailor each message, so you send only highly relevant information.

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Texting and Email from One Platform

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Trumpia comes with integrated multi-channel messaging because we believe in the power of coordinated campaigns and consolidated databases. Otherwise, your subscribers end up getting duplicate or uncoordinated messages because they already responded to your email or text.

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Consolidated Inbox

Illustration of various employees completing tasks

Any competitor can offer two-way messaging, but it is often basic. With our inbox, you capture entire conversations, from keyword opt-ins, automated messaging, two-way conversations, mass messaging, and all of their responses. Even better, the full history of these messages can be easily filtered by messaging category.

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Powerful Integrations

Illustration of various employees handling tasks

Trumpia’s powerful messaging capabilities can be integrated to work seamlessly with your existing database or favorite software. Easily integrate via Zapier or our direct integrations without having to code it yourself. Or you can use our powerful open API to integrate with your current system. We even have a custom development team that can build integrations for you.

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Reputation Management

Illustration of a tech support representative helping a customer

Get more favorable online reviews using surveys that automatically lead happy customers to leave reviews & escalate unhappy ones. When your satisfied customers rate you highly on Google or other review sites, you’ll get more leads.

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AI-Powered Messaging

Illustration of a tech support representative helping a customer

Trumpia harnesses the power of AI technology to make your messaging more creative and polished. Simply enter the purpose of your desired message and let our system generate creative ideas for you, saving you time.

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Access Control and Sub-accounts

Illustration of a tech support representative helping a customer

Trumpia comes with a bevy of enterprise features that give you access control over your messaging. Data Sets let you organize contacts, lists, and features into groups. Then for each user, you can designate what features and data they are allowed to access and view in their user interface when they log in.

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Premium Support, 365 Days a Year

Illustration of a tech support representative helping a customer

Our consultants help you grow from your initial use case to a comprehensive automated strategy. We know waiting on hold is no fun. That’s why Trumpia’s customer service is not an afterthought. Live Support is available via the phone (with the proper plan) or online in under 9 minutes on average, 365 days a year, including holidays and weekends.

Download Our Competitive
Advantages Handout


Forbes named Trumpia the top SMS marketing software on the market.

Trumpia is a well-known marketing automation company with A-list clients such as Jamba Juice, Chick-fil-A and Omni Hotels & Resorts. We picked it as the best service for marketing campaigns because its standard plan offers robust automation and targeting features such as drip campaigns, dynamic targeting, link tracking, and data capture. Its advanced plans include more intricate marketing features such as auto campaigns, conditioned drip campaigns, real-time targeting, and behavior tracking.
