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Text Messaging for
Employee Communication

Texting for HR and Employee Communication

Texting is the most common form of communication today, and it isn't going anywhere soon. That is why so many organizations are relying on text messaging for employee communication. This is great news for Human Resource teams who are looking to organize their communications especially around recruiting, scheduling, and more. With Trumpia, your HR team can do even more, like automatically sending reminders to employees, and using our powerful automated workflows to streamline the hiring process.

How Organizations use Text Messaging for Employee Communication

  • Notepad iconSend Policy Updates

    There is no bigger timesink than answering the same employee questions over and over again. And this can be very frustrating for HR teams who work tirelessly to create systems and documents that help streamline information. With SMS texting, you can keep employees in the know and accountable by sending updates to new policies via text and including trackable links. Our automated workflows can even answer FAQ for you, saving your HR team valuable time.

    Text message conversation between two people iconHave Two-Way SMS Conversations

    The recruitment process often comes with questions, concerns, and scheduling conflicts that need to be resolved. These issues are quickly managed through two-way employee text messaging, where applicants can ask questions and receive answers in real-time. This means you spend less time on the phone and more time recruiting.

  • Illustration of an employeeLearn More About Your Employees

    With more sophisticated software like Trumpia, you can even do things like target specific subsets of your employees. Our software can do this by asking your employees questions, and automatically capturing their responses. Then, you can use this information to send accurately targeted messages. For example, when you have an alert for just the managers of your I.T. team at your Arizona location, you can send it to just those employees rather than your entire staff.

    SMS messages iconUse Texting to Recruit

    One of the most important aspects of any business is recruiting the most qualified candidates. Studies show that 70% of candidates would like to apply for open positions on their mobile devices. While SMS is a relatively new way to recruit candidates, it is quickly becoming one of the most effective ways to find new talent.

  • Two-way texting iconUse SMS For Employee Training

    Any company with an excellent training and onboarding system ensures seamless employee integration. And without being properly prepared, many prospective employees can feel overwhelmed, creating an unhealthy work environment. We recommend sending resources and training material via text in order to make sure they receive it!

    Sending the resources via text beforehand can also free up valuable time during in person training that can be devoted to other things. Therefore, you can make your onboarding process a lot smoother by automating this part of the training process. You can even send links and track who has clicked them, leading to better training efficiency.

    Trumpia is also able to send them a quick text survey to determine their proficiency, and then automate responses based on if they answer correctly. Using reporting features, you can then quickly analyze answers to identify which employees mastered the content and which ones need additional training.

    Scheduling SMS messages iconMaximize Open Enrollment With SMS

    By alerting employees prior to enrollment season through a mass text message, you will give them substantial time to evaluate their current plans and ask any questions before the open enrollment deadline.

    Send out links to your open enrollment plans to your employees through text. This will allow them to discover each plan fully while alleviating a majority of the questions needed to be answered by your HR department and ensure they pick the optimal plan. And keep in mind that employees that are satisfied with their benefits are 4x more likely to be satisfied with their work.

    With Trumpia, you can even send links to the forms. Then, a week before the deadline, you can automatically send reminders to everyone who still needs to fill them out.

  • Automated SMS workflow chartAutomate Some Hiring Processes

    With Trumpia's automation and targeting, businesses can automate certain processes like screening potential candidates, freeing up their staff's time to work on more important tasks. Give your candidates what they want by implementing SMS to take your recruitment process to the next level. Tasks that take a lot of time, such as coordinating interview times, providing paperwork, and sending notifications of deadlines can all be streamlined through text.

    Subscriber holds phone and reads SMS message iconKeep Applicants In The Loop With Texting

    Sharing news and information with prospects will keep them interested and in the loop. You can even send them relevant information based on the keyword they texted, behavioral history such as click-throughs, and interest so that you give them updates that are relevant to the position.

What People Are Saying About Trumpia

  • Airforce logo

    "Trumpia has been an amazing tool to reach people living on the base. With knowledgeable experts and a deep feature set, Trumpia has truly helped us grow our subscriber base, increase our event attendance, and share valuable information. We couldn't be happier with the results."

    - Tierra Kimble, McConnell Air Force Base


    "It was very helpful to be able to notify all associates at one time. We were able to quickly get in touch with Trumpia staff to get a time restriction exemption, allowing us to message everyone during the event and through the night. It's very comforting and brings great peace of mind to know that we can reach our entire team during events like this."

    - Julie Palmer, Associate Director of Human Resources,
    Omni Dallas Hotel