SMS Marketing

6 Ways Texting Can Help Re-engage Real Estate Leads

Real Estate Leads

Keeping real estate leads alive is a tough job – you have to stay in their minds and sending emails is the most common way to do this. However, considering that only 20 – 30% of emails actually get opened, you don’t have particularly high chances of capturing their attention. Not to mention that emails can get lost in the spam or trash folder and then all of your work is for nothing.

But, there is a much better and more convenient medium for this – text messaging for real estate. While emails mostly get ignored, text messaging’s open rate is a high 98%, and 90% of these are opened and read within three seconds.

Research has also shown that after your lead submits their information, you have 5 minutes to start a conversation with them or they’ll quit. In their mind, your conversation is over. This is another area where texting performs admirably– re-engagement texts have proven to be extremely effective for real estate business.

Admittedly, text messages, while being a very immediate way to reach your leads, are still not as effective at building relationships a a phone calls or face to face meetings. But what they truly excel at is getting your metaphorical foot in the door, so you have the opportunity to take the conversation further.

However, if you are still not sure about what to text your clients and when to text them, here are some helpful tips than can prove to be useful to you:

1. Text Messages Should Be Short

While emails can be as short and as long as you’d like them to be – depending, of course on how much information you have to share – text messages are made to be short. Long texts simply don’t look appealing, in most cases you can’t control the formatting and as a result you send a barely readable, incredibly long text. This can easily make your leads disinterested in what you have to say.

So, for instance:

Hello Jane! This is Maggie Smith from Have A Perfect Home Real Estate here in New York. As it turns out, we have a lot of great homes for you, based on your preference for 444 Lemon Street. This is one of my favourite neighbourhoods as well. Are you ready to see some properties? Let me know. Also, if you want to take a look at more homes, you can browse them on my website which displays new listings 24/7 –

Maggie Smith, Have A Perfect Home Real Estate


This text message is too long. First of all, there is no need for signing the text – there is a number displayed when they receive a text and from the context of the message they can make a clear conclusion who it is. Next, it has too much information – people may feel overloaded and they will forget the purpose of this text as well as the question that they should respond to.

There is no need to mention the website in this text too, it only makes the message longer and it doesn’t add any value to the content of it.

Here is the edited version:

Hello Jane! Since you’ve liked the house on Lemon Street 555, would you like to see more similar properties?

This message works because it’s to the point, easy to understand and respond to. They are also not overloaded with information.

2. You Should Text Your Leads Within 5 Minutes of Their Submission

As previously stated, you only have 5 minutes to engage with your leads before they quit and consider the conversation over. This is why it’s a good idea to have some sort of automated process that sends personalized messages when you are not available.

The text should look something like this:

Hello there! It’s a great time to buy a new home. How can I help?

If the lead has already searched for a neighborhood or liked a property, it’s a good idea to mention it in your text and ask them if they want a handpicked list of available homes with their requirements – this is a good way to book a face-to-face appointment.

3. Know When Not to Text Them

Just like there are great times to text your leads – see the 5 minute window – there are also some pretty bad cases.

You shouldn’t send a message if it’s not relevant to the lead, promote contests no matter how legitimate they are or if the offer fell through. Don’t text your leads if there were some issues with the property or the sale. Also, never text about binding documents – leave that for a face-to-face conversation.

For example:

Hello Jane! This is Maggie and I’m letting you know that with a simple respond, you can become a contestant in our most recent contest. The reward is a brand new iPad and we’ll be happy to have you in this contest.

Have a Perfect Home Real Estate Company

4. Questions Call For Responses

text messaging For Real Estate

When texting your leads, make sure that you ask them a question. You’ll get a much better response rate and you’ll be able to continue the conversation. Sending them a lot of information will only result in them reading the text, but they won’t feel compelled to respond and will eventually forget about it.

With questions, they will feel compelled to respond and they’ll be happy to as well, since they’ll get information directly from you.

For example:

Hello Jane! I have noticed that you liked a home on my website. That’s great! What are you looking for in a home?

5. Have Some Personality

People nowadays are never sure whether they are getting a text from a computer or from a person and that’s why you have to make sure that what you send always has a personal tone – it’s not a surprise that people prefer talking to other people.

Use their first name and introduce yourself so that you can start building a bond. Then, use information that you have gathered on your site – their likes, their preferred neighbourhoods or features that they are looking for – all of this will give your messages a unique feeling that your customers will appreciate.

For example:

Hi Jane! We are so happy to have you with us! I’ve noticed that you have already browsed some houses in the Lemon Street area and I would like to offer you a full list of homes picked by your requirements – do you have any other preferences that you would like me to know? 

6. If You Are Sending Links, Make The Conversation About Them

Don’t just send a link to your site as a side note of something that they should see. Rather, use the link as a conversation starter and try to get them to visit your website.

For example:

Hello! Our website has 24/7 new and fresh listings that will surely suit your needs. Make sure to look it up J

Final Thoughts

While reengaging can be hard, messaging your leads might just be what you need. Follow these tips and templates of texts for best results. For more information about other mobile communication tools you can use for real estate, download the complimentary Real Estate Product Brief.

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Guest Author’s bio:

Freddie Tubbs is a communication manager at Ukwritings. He regularly takes part in online marketing conferences and writes columns for Boomessays and Essayroo blogs.