SMS Marketing

How To Schedule Your Messages To Improve Your Text Messaging Campaign

how to schedule text messages

Clear communication is integral to a well functioning company. When you need to ensure an important message is read, email is no longer the best way to make sure your messages get seen. Now compare that to text messages. The effectiveness of text messages climbs even higher when you schedule them ahead of time, allowing you to reach your audience at the right time, every time.

Scheduling a text message is simple if you have a texting software like Trumpia. You simply compose your message, choose your audience, and schedule when you want the messages to go out. This saves your time because you don’t have to sit idly while you wait for the perfect time to send messages to your customers.

Here are some ways companies can start scheduling text messaging, and how scheduling your messages will help boost both customer and employee communication.

Employee Onboarding

Want to make sure your new employees are ready for their first day? Schedule your messages ahead of time to help them onboard into your company and find their fit in your culture. Whether it’s sending training materials the week before they start or sending them forms to fill out before they start, SMS is an effective way to get them prepared to succeed with your organization.

HR Purposes

A study by Mass Mutual shows that up to 40% of employees say they know little to nothing about the benefits their company provides. This means that companies need to do a better job of reaching employees with benefits information, and communicating by text messages can certainly help. It’s as easy as sending information about open enrollment, insurance coverage, or getting expense reports filed on time. Since 140 characters are often not enough to cover everything, you can also include links to your company policy in your message.

Text to Recruit

Texting for recruiting allows you to reach candidates no matter where they are. By scheduling your texts you can ensure that they are read during the day and that you cast the widest net in order to land the top candidates. Communicating with candidates is discrete, which is helpful because 51 percent of people who are looking for a job are already employed. Once you make contact with candidates you can then use landline texting to request more information or answer any questions they have.


Texting your sales promotions helps you reach your audience at the right time no matter where they are. Before your Black Friday sale, use text messages to drive traffic to your online and brick and mortar stores. Texting brings you the advantage over the competition who just run radio or paper ads. Ensure that customers are prepared for your sales and schedule a time in their busy day to check out your discounts.

Customer Service

Texting is great for customer service because it can help give your customers reassurance that you have their best interests in mind. Whether it’s sending a text reminder before expected downtime or just reminding customers that their bill is due in a week, they will appreciate the reminder. 

Disaster Preparedness

Most US workers do not believe their employer is prepared for a natural disaster, and 72 percent say they fear for their safety if disaster hits suddenly. Help calm their fears by implementing text messages, the fastest way to make sure a critical message is seen before disaster hits. Over 90 percent of all text messages are read within three minutes, so it makes sense to use it to send plans to evacuate, updates on policy information, or remind employees about safety procedures to take if something goes wrong.

Company Events

Boost attendance at events by sending out text reminders. You can include a link to directions, the agenda, and pictures and videos in your text messages to create more captivating content. Then, as the event gets closer, send friendly reminders or updates on what you will be doing or discussing. You can even use this for important client meetings, making sure they know when to meet with your staff and ensuring meetings take place on time.

If you would like to incorporate scheduled text messaging into your business, click on the link below to talk to one of our representatives today! 

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